Monday, August 29, 2011


As you know, if you have been on my Facebook page, I have a big lesson in patience going on for this lifetime. About the time I think that maybe, just maybe, I have a handle on it, I get handed an opportunity to show off my skills. That is my red truck sitting in that blocked drive-way, which has been blocked since right before 9:00 a.m. this morning. Most days it wouldn't be a problem. But, today I had multiple errands to run. You see, tomorrow is my husband's day off. Today is the day that he gets off early and we actually get to have dinner together. I needed to get things for dinner and for tomorrow so we would not spend his day off running around doing errands. Now, no one came to my door and knocked or rang and said, "Ma'am, we are about to block your driveway for ALL day, would you like to come out and move your vehicle to somewhere that you can have the ability to actually be able to drive it somewhere?" Nope! Didn't happen. I watched out the window and knew that when they pulled off huge chunks off the asphalt that I was in for an errandless day.
Now, I could have ranted and raved, but I just changed my plans (albeit looking out the window repeatedly to check progress). I have gotten other things done and not blown my gasket. You should be proud of me. I have thought how grateful I am that I have a driveway to block and a truck to drive. I am grateful that my husband has a job and that we still love each other enough to want to spend our free time together.
I have to go now, though, as the trucks are city trucks they will probably leave somewhere around the 4:00 hour, whether they are done or not. I figure if I have my purse on my shoulder and the keys in my hands I can rush out, drive out the other direction, beat them to the street and be at the grocery in 10 minutes and still be home before hubby. I mean, really, you didn't think I could last longer than this, did you? LOL

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